Lord Shiva Archaeology Project?

 I was thinking about new and innovative projects that I can do with robotics and AI. And so while searching on the internet I have come across a project proposal document on Lord Shiva Archaeology. Well? Lord Shiva Archaeology? How can this be done? Anyway below is download link for the project.

Download Lord Shiva Archaeology Project

 The claim is about a region where the Lord Shiva used to live and about how we can trace back the history using technologies like Arduino, AI software, internet wifi network to cover a large area. 

 I am not sure how one can possible do an archaeology project of ancient living god like Shiva. But I liked the project idea of using Arduino hardware, AI software and wireless wifi network technology with drones to cover large area for Achaeology project. I think there is not much about using arduino or rasp berry pi for archeological studies which can really benefits the students.  

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