Autonomous Robot Car - Arduino RoboMaster part 12

Today I made my first autonomous robot car which is a modification of the my first Arduino RC Car . Until now, I used bluetooth for control navigation of the diy Arduino robomaster. Now, I wanted to add autonomous driving feature to the robot car because I thought it would be great exper…



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How to Use EEPROM in PIC16F877A for Data Storage

When working on embedded projects with the PIC16F877A microcontroller, there are scenarios where you need to store data that persists even when the power is turned off. For instance, storing user settings, sensor calibration data, or non-volatile da…


Pic16F877a 16x2 LCD Program Code

In the previous blog post Interfacing LCD with PIC16F877A: Displaying Sensor Data it was shown how to interface a 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and alike PIC microcontroller. In that post, circuit diagram and program code for communicating with the LCD…


DC Motor Control with PIC16F877A PWM Signals

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a powerful technique used to control motors, lights, and other devices by varying the duty cycle of a digital signal. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to generate PWM signals using the PIC16F877A microcontroller …


Comparing PIC16F877A vs ATmega328P PWM capabilities

The PIC16F877A can generate PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals using its CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM) module. The CCP module in this microcontroller is versatile, and it provides features to generate both PWM signals as well as perform capture and…

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