Band-pass filters are important components in electronic circuits that are used to selectively pass a certain range of frequencies while attenuating others. There are two main types of band-pass filters: passive and active. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between passive and active band-pass filters and explore their applications.
Passive Band-Pass Filters
Passive band-pass filters are made up of passive components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors. They do not require an external power source and rely solely on the energy present in the input signal. The main advantage of passive filters is their simplicity and low cost.
One of the most common passive band-pass filter topologies is the RLC filter. This filter consists of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C) connected in series. By adjusting the values of R, L, and C, the filter's center frequency and bandwidth can be set to pass a specific range of frequencies.
Some of first order passive filter circuits are shown below.
RC Low Pass filter:
RL Low pass filter circuit:
RL high pass filter circuit:
Passive band-pass filters are widely used in audio applications to remove unwanted frequencies from the signal. For example, a passive band-pass filter can be used to remove noise from an audio signal or to amplify certain frequencies for a specific effect.
Active Band-Pass Filters
Active band-pass filters, on the other hand, use an amplifier as well as passive components to create a band-pass filter. Active filters are more complex than passive filters, but they offer several advantages over their passive counterparts. One of the most significant advantages of active filters is their ability to provide gain, allowing the filter to amplify certain frequencies.
Active filters can be implemented in different configurations such as cascaded band-pass filter, Sallen-Key, Multiple Feedback, biquad band-pass filter, and State Variable. In cascaded band-pass filter high pass filter and low pass filter are cascaded to form the band-pass filter. In the Sallen-Key filter, for example, the filter is created by a combination of resistors and capacitors, while the amplifier provides gain.
As mentioned a cascaded band pass filter is made up of high pass filter cascaded with low pass filter as shown below. The high pass filter and low pass filter can be 1st order or 2nd order filters The one shown below uses second order filters.
The Multiple Feedback filter shown below uses multiple resistors and capacitors to create the filter's transfer function.
A State Variable filter uses multiple operational amplifiers as shown in the diagram below. This filter is also known as universal filter as it is capable of providing high pass filter and low pass filter output as well.
Active band-pass filters are commonly used in communication systems and signal processing applications where high precision and stability are required. For example, active band-pass filters can be used in radio receivers to select a specific frequency range and reject other signals.
Application of Band-Pass Filters
Band-pass filters are used in various applications, including audio, radio communications, and biomedical engineering. Some examples include:
- Audio Filters: Passive and active band-pass filters are widely used in audio applications to remove unwanted noise from the signal or to create specific sound effects.
- Radio Communications: Band-pass filters are used in radio receivers to select a specific frequency range and reject other signals.
- Biomedical Engineering: Band-pass filters are used in electroencephalography (EEG) to filter out unwanted frequencies and isolate specific frequency bands for analysis.
In conclusion, passive and active band-pass filters are essential components in electronic circuits used to selectively pass a certain range of frequencies while attenuating others. While passive filters are simple and low cost, active filters offer several advantages, including gain and high precision. Both types of filters are used in various applications, including audio, radio communications, and biomedical engineering.