What is Telegrapher's Equation

The Telegrapher's equations are a set of partial differential equations that describe the behavior of electrical signals traveling along a transmission line. They are widely used in the analysis and modeling of transmission lines, including homogeneous transmission lines like coaxial cables and parallel-plate transmission lines.

The Telegrapher's equations consist of two equations:

    Voltage Equation (also known as the "Kirchhoff's voltage law" equation):

    ∂V(x,t)/∂x = -L ∂I(x,t)/∂t - R I(x,t)

    This equation relates the voltage (V) along the transmission line with the current (I) flowing through it. The left side of the equation represents the rate of change of voltage with respect to the position (x) along the line, while the right side represents the effects of inductance (L) and resistance (R) on the current.

    Current Equation (also known as the "Kirchhoff's current law" equation):

    ∂I(x,t)/∂x = -C ∂V(x,t)/∂t - G V(x,t)

    This equation relates the current (I) along the transmission line with the voltage (V) across it. The left side represents the rate of change of current with respect to the position (x), while the right side represents the effects of capacitance (C) and conductance (G) on the voltage.

In these equations, x represents the position along the transmission line, t represents time, and L, R, C, and G are the per-unit-length inductance, resistance, capacitance, and conductance of the line, respectively.

telegrapher equation

By solving the Telegrapher's equations, various properties of the transmission line can be determined, such as the propagation velocity, impedance, reflection coefficient, and attenuation of electrical signals. These equations serve as fundamental tools for the analysis and design of transmission lines in various fields, including telecommunications, RF engineering, and signal integrity analysis.


[1] Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous transmission line

[2] Transmission Line Calculator

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