how popular is ATtiny85

The ATtiny85 is a highly popular microcontroller among electronics enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals alike. Its popularity stems from its compact size, low cost, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of projects and applications. Let's delve into the reasons for its popularity and how it's commonly used.


Key Features of ATtiny85

Before discussing its popularity, here's a quick overview of some of the key features that make the ATtiny85 stand out:

  • 8-bit AVR Microcontroller: Based on the AVR architecture, it offers a balance of performance and power efficiency.
  • Small Size: It comes in an 8-pin DIP or SOIC package, making it perfect for projects where space is a constraint.
  • Flash Memory: 8 KB of flash memory for storing code.
  • RAM: 512 bytes of SRAM for temporary data storage.
  • EEPROM: 512 bytes for non-volatile storage.
  • I/O Pins: 5 GPIO pins, which can be used for various functions.
  • Low Power Consumption: Suitable for battery-powered applications.
  • Built-in Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC): 4 channels with 10-bit resolution.
  • PWM Outputs: Can generate PWM signals for motor control, LED dimming, etc.
  • I2C and SPI Communication: Supports basic communication protocols.
  • Internal Oscillator: Operates without an external crystal for basic timing needs.

Reasons for Popularity

  1. Cost-Effective:

    • The ATtiny85 is incredibly affordable, often costing less than $2 per unit. This low price makes it accessible for educational purposes and small projects.
  2. Versatile Applications:

    • It’s suitable for a variety of projects, from simple LED blinking to complex applications like wearable technology, DIY electronics, home automation, and sensor interfacing.
  3. Small Footprint:

    • The tiny form factor allows it to fit into tight spaces, making it ideal for compact devices and projects with size constraints.
  4. Arduino Compatibility:

    • The ATtiny85 can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, making it accessible to a wide audience familiar with Arduino programming. Libraries and support for ATtiny85 within the Arduino community are extensive.
  5. Community Support:

    • There is a strong online community and numerous resources, tutorials, and projects available for the ATtiny85. This makes it easier for beginners to get started and for experts to find support for advanced projects.
  6. Ease of Use:

    • With straightforward programming and simple interfacing, the ATtiny85 is user-friendly. It allows users to quickly prototype and implement projects.
  7. Low Power Operation:

    • Its low power consumption is advantageous for battery-operated projects. Sleep modes and power-saving features extend battery life significantly.
  8. Rich Peripheral Set:

    • Despite its small size, the ATtiny85 offers essential peripherals like PWM, ADC, I2C, SPI, and timers, making it suitable for a broad range of applications.

Common Applications

The ATtiny85 is used in various applications, reflecting its flexibility and capability:

  • Wearable Electronics: Its small size and low power make it perfect for embedding in wearables.
  • IoT Devices: It can serve as a basic node in Internet of Things projects.
  • Robotics: Used for simple robotic control systems and sensor interfacing.
  • DIY Projects: Popular in maker communities for hobby projects like LED control, sound generation, and small automation tasks.
  • Home Automation: Simple controllers for home automation devices.
  • Toys and Games: Used to control electronic toys and game peripherals.
  • Sensor Monitoring: Serves in temperature, humidity, or other sensor-based applications.

Comparisons with Other Microcontrollers

Here's how the ATtiny85 stacks up against some other popular microcontrollers:

Architecture8-bit AVR8-bit AVR32-bit RISC32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+
Flash Memory8 KB32 KB4 MB2 MB
RAM512 bytes2 KB80 KB264 KB
EEPROM512 bytes1 KB--
I/O Pins5231726
ADC10-bit (4 ch)10-bit (8 ch)10-bit (1 ch)12-bit (3 ch)
PWM Channels26168
Clock Speed20 MHz16 MHz160 MHz133 MHz
Cost$1 - $2$2 - $5$2 - $5$4 - $6

Community and Ecosystem

The ATtiny85 benefits from a vibrant community that shares code libraries, tutorials, and project ideas. This ecosystem is a key factor in its enduring popularity. Here are some notable resources:

  • Arduino IDE Support: Easily programmable using Arduino with the help of additional cores like ATTinyCore.
  • GitHub Projects: Many open-source projects and libraries are available for the ATtiny85.
  • Hackaday, Instructables, and YouTube Tutorials: Numerous DIY guides demonstrate practical applications of the ATtiny85.
  • Books and Courses: Educational materials frequently include the ATtiny85 as a teaching tool for embedded systems and electronics.

Example Projects

Here are some popular projects that utilize the ATtiny85:

  1. TinyUSB Keyboard: Create a simple USB keyboard that can send predefined key sequences.
  2. LED Cube: Control a small LED cube for light patterns and animations.
  3. Digital Thermometer: Build a basic digital thermometer with a temperature sensor.
  4. Pocket Game Console: Develop a miniature game console with simple games.
  5. Wearable Sensors: Integrate sensors into clothing or accessories for monitoring purposes.
  6. Audio Effects Processor: Make a basic audio effects processor for simple sound manipulation.
 If you are new to ATtiny85 and want to upload program into it using Arduino then see the following tutorial ATtiny85 Programming with Arduino : LED Blink tutorial.

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