How to use ATmega328 FAST PWM mode for controlling Servo motors

In embedded systems and robotics, controlling servos with precision is crucial for tasks ranging from basic hobby projects to complex automation systems. Two powerful techniques that play a significant role in this domain are Fast PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mode programming with the ATmega328P microcontroller and controlling servos using a potentiometer. In this blog post, we will integrate these two techniques, exploring how Fast PWM can enhance servo control, and demonstrating a practical application of using a potentiometer to adjust servo positions.

Understanding Fast PWM Mode on ATmega328P

PWM is a widely used technique in electronics for controlling devices like motors, LEDs, and more. Fast PWM mode on the ATmega328P microcontroller allows for high-frequency PWM signal generation, which is particularly useful when you need precise control over devices. In my earlier blog post, "ATmega328P Fast PWM Mode Programming", I covered how to configure the ATmega328P's timers to generate PWM signals with a specific duty cycle.

Fast PWM mode provides better resolution compared to other modes like phase-correct PWM. This can be beneficial when controlling servos, as it allows for finer adjustments to the pulse width, translating to more accurate positioning of the servo motor. By using Fast PWM, you can achieve smoother motion and reduce jitter in the servo's movement.

Controlling Servos with a Potentiometer

In another blog post, "How to Control Servo with Potentiometer", I demonstrated a simple yet effective way to control a servo motor using a potentiometer. The idea is straightforward: as you rotate the potentiometer, the analog value read by the microcontroller changes, and this value is then used to adjust the servo's position.

This method of control is intuitive and user-friendly, making it ideal for manual adjustments or interactive projects. The potentiometer acts as an input device, while the servo motor responds to the changes in the input by rotating to the desired angle.

Servo motor control with Potentiometer Circuit Diagram


Integrating Fast PWM Mode with Servo Control

Now, let's integrate these two techniques to create a system that combines the precision of Fast PWM with the simplicity of potentiometer-based control.

Circuit Design
  1. Microcontroller: ATmega328P
  2. Servo Motor: Standard hobby servo
  3. Potentiometer: 10kΩ
  4. Power Supply: 5V for the servo and microcontroller

Connect the potentiometer to one of the analog input pins on the ATmega328P. The servo motor's control pin should be connected to one of the PWM output pins (e.g., OC0A or OC0B). Make sure to connect the ground and power lines appropriately.

Programming the System
  1. Reading the Potentiometer Value:

    • Use the ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) of the ATmega328P to read the potentiometer's position.
    • Scale the ADC value to match the desired range of servo angles.
  2. Generating PWM Signal:

    • Configure the ATmega328P's Timer/Counter in Fast PWM mode.
    • Adjust the duty cycle of the PWM signal based on the potentiometer reading.
  3. Controlling the Servo:

    • Use the scaled potentiometer value to set the pulse width of the PWM signal.
    • This pulse width will control the servo's angle, allowing for precise adjustments.

Here's a basic code snippet to illustrate the concept:

// Configure ADC and PWM
void setup() {
// ADC setup for potentiometer
ADMUX = (1 << REFS0); // Reference voltage = AVCC
ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1); // Enable ADC and set prescaler

// PWM setup for Fast PWM mode on OC0A (pin 6)
TCCR0A = (1 << WGM00) | (1 << WGM01) | (1 << COM0A1); // Fast PWM mode
TCCR0B = (1 << CS01); // Prescaler 8

DDRD |= (1 << PD6); // Set OC0A (PD6) as output

uint16_t readPotentiometer() {
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); // Start conversion
while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC)); // Wait for conversion to complete
return ADC;

void loop() {
uint16_t potValue = readPotentiometer();
// Map potValue to PWM duty cycle (0-255)
uint8_t pwmValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
OCR0A = pwmValue; // Set PWM duty cycle

_delay_ms(20); // Servo update rate

This simple code configures the ATmega328P to read the potentiometer value and adjust the PWM signal accordingly, controlling the servo's position.

Practical Applications

  • Robotic Arms: Precise control over servo motors is essential for robotic arms. Using Fast PWM mode with potentiometer input allows for smooth and accurate movement, making it easier to position the arm in specific orientations.

  • RC Vehicles: In remote-controlled vehicles, servos are often used for steering. Integrating a potentiometer for manual control and Fast PWM for precision can enhance the driving experience.

  • Automation Systems: In automated systems that require precise positioning, such as CNC machines or camera gimbals, this method can improve accuracy and reduce errors.


By combining the power of Fast PWM mode on the ATmega328P with the user-friendly potentiometer-based control of servo motors, you can create systems that offer both precision and ease of use. Whether you're working on a hobby project or a more advanced application, this integration provides a solid foundation for controlling servos with high accuracy.

For more detailed insights on these techniques, you can check out my previous posts on "ATmega328P Fast PWM Mode Programming" and "How to Control Servo with Potentiometer".

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