Designing Practical LC Resonant Circuit Using an Online Calculator

Here, we will design a parallel LC resonant circuit using an example that requires us to provide a 3-dB bandwidth of 10 MHz at a center frequency of 100 MHz. We will use an online LC resonance circuit calculator to calculate the necessary values of inductance (L), capacitance (C), and parallel resistance (Rp). I’ll also walk you through the steps to simulate the circuit and demonstrate that it indeed works at the specified frequency.

Problem Statement:
We are tasked with designing a simple parallel resonant circuit that satisfies the following conditions:

  • Center frequency (f₀): 100 MHz
  • 3-dB bandwidth: 10 MHz
  • Source and load impedances: 1000 ohms each
  • Capacitor assumption: Lossless
  • Quality factor (Q) of inductor: 85

Our goal is to use the LC resonant circuit calculator to determine the values of L, C, and Rp, then verify the design through simulation.

LC resonant circuit

Step 1: Understanding the Design Formula
For a parallel resonant circuit, the relationship between the quality factor (Q), bandwidth (BW), and resonant frequency (f₀) is given by:


From the equation for quality factor, we know:


which can be rearranged as:


Once we know Xp, we can calculate the inductance (L) and capacitance (C). However, to find Xp, we first need to know the total resistance Rt, which is the parallel combination of all resistances in the circuit. The total resistance Rt is given by:


where Rs=Rl=1kΩ (as given).

The quality factor Qp for the inductor is:


or equivalently,


Substituting equations (1) and (2) into this expression, we get:


Using equation (3):


Simplifying further, we obtain:


Now, with Xp known, we can calculate the inductance (L) and capacitance (C) as follows:




where ω is the angular frequency, given by ω=2πf0.

Step 2: Using the LC Resonant Circuit Calculator
We can now use the LC resonance circuit calculator to quickly compute the values of inductance (L), capacitance (C), and parallel resistance (Rp). Entering the known parameters of center frequency (100 MHz), bandwidth (10 MHz), and source/load impedance (1000 ohms) will provide us with the exact component values.

Step 3: Simulation
After obtaining the L, C, and Rp values, it’s essential to simulate the circuit to verify that the design performs correctly at the specified frequency.

LC resonant circuit simulation
LC resonant circuit frequency response graph

The following video shows how to use the calculator, input the calculated values into a simulation tool, and verify that the circuit resonates at the intended 100 MHz frequency.

Designing an LC resonant circuit can be made simple with the help of an online calculator. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can calculate the values of L, C, and Rp and verify the functionality of the circuit through simulation.

Related Resources:
For more in-depth information on related topics, you can check out the following posts:

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