Feedback amplifiers are an essential part of modern electronics, where a portion of the output is fed back to the input. This feedback can either be positive or negative, with the latter being more common due to its ability to stabilize and improve performance in many amplifier circuits. By using feedback, we can control gain, reduce distortion, enhance bandwidth, and improve input and output impedances.
Here, we’ll explore the various feedback amplifier topologies, their characteristics, and common applications. A table summarizing the applications of each topology is included for easy reference.
Types of Feedback Amplifier Topologies
There are four basic types of feedback amplifier topologies based on how the feedback is applied and where the signal is sampled:
- Voltage-Series Feedback Amplifier
- Voltage-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
- Current-Series Feedback Amplifier
- Current-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
Each of these topologies has distinct characteristics, influencing the amplifier's gain, impedance, and bandwidth.
1. Voltage-Series Feedback Amplifier
In this topology, the output voltage is sampled and fed back in series with the input. It is also known as series-shunt feedback because the feedback network connects in series with the input and samples the output in parallel (shunt) across the load.
- Effect on Gain: The gain is reduced, but the amplifier becomes more linear, improving the stability.
- Input Impedance: Increased.
- Output Impedance: Decreased.
- Bandwidth: Improved.
- Applications: Voltage amplifiers, operational amplifiers, audio amplifiers.
2. Voltage-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
In this configuration, the output voltage is sampled and fed back in parallel with the input. This reduces both the input and output impedance.
- Effect on Gain: Reduced gain with better linearity.
- Input Impedance: Decreased.
- Output Impedance: Decreased.
- Bandwidth: Improved.
- Applications: Buffer amplifiers, RF amplifiers, high-frequency amplifiers.
3. Current-Series Feedback Amplifier
Here, the output current is sampled and fed back in series with the input. It’s known as series-series feedback since the feedback network is connected in series with both the input and the output.
- Effect on Gain: Reduces gain and enhances linearity.
- Input Impedance: Increased.
- Output Impedance: Increased.
- Bandwidth: Improved.
- Applications: Transimpedance amplifiers, sensors, transducers, current amplifiers.
4. Current-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
In this topology, the output current is sampled and fed back in parallel (shunt) with the input. This topology decreases the input impedance while increasing the output impedance.
- Effect on Gain: Decreases gain, but stability is improved.
- Input Impedance: Decreased.
- Output Impedance: Increased.
- Bandwidth: Improved.
- Applications: Current amplifiers, impedance-matching circuits, high-impedance sources.
Table: Applications of Different Feedback Amplifier Topologies
Feedback Topology | Characteristics | Applications |
Voltage-Series Feedback Amplifier | Increases input impedance, reduces output impedance, stabilizes gain | Audio amplifiers, operational amplifiers, voltage amplifiers |
Voltage-Shunt Feedback Amplifier | Decreases both input and output impedance, improves bandwidth | RF amplifiers, low-frequency buffers, high-frequency amplifiers |
Current-Series Feedback Amplifier | Increases input impedance, decreases output impedance | Sensors, transimpedance amplifiers, transducers, current amplifiers |
Current-Shunt Feedback Amplifier | Decreases input impedance, increases output impedance | Current amplifiers, impedance-matching circuits, high-impedance sources |
Understanding the various feedback amplifier topologies is crucial in designing circuits that meet specific requirements for impedance, gain stability, and bandwidth. The choice of feedback topology significantly impacts the overall performance and behavior of the amplifier, making it a key factor in designing reliable and efficient electronic systems.
Each topology has unique advantages, and the table provided summarizes the applications based on their characteristics. Whether you are working with audio amplifiers, RF amplifiers, or sensor systems, knowing how feedback amplifiers work can greatly enhance the functionality and performance of your designs.