Maximum Frequency of Arduino Due DAC

The Arduino Due is a popular choice for generating analog signals due to its built-in Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs). However, when it comes to generating high-frequency sine waves, there are some critical limitations to consider. Here, we’ll discuss whether the Arduino Due is suitable for generating high-frequency sine waves and explore a few tutorials on sine wave generation using Arduino boards.

Arduino Due DACs and Their Limitations

The Arduino Due features two DAC pins, DAC0 and DAC1, that allow you to output analog signals directly from the microcontroller. These DACs are convenient for generating various waveforms, including sine waves, which are useful for audio applications, signal processing, and more. However, the DACs on the Arduino Due have a maximum output frequency of 1 MHz. This means that the DAC can update its output value up to 1 million times per second.

For a more comprehensive guide on using the Arduino Due's DACs to generate waveforms, you can check out this detailed tutorial on how to generate a sine wave using Arduino Due. This guide covers everything from setting up your Arduino Due to writing code for generating sine waves using its built-in DACs.

Sine Wave Generation Requirements

To generate a smooth sine wave, it's essential to have a sufficient number of samples per cycle. The more samples you use, the more accurately the sine wave is represented. A commonly accepted minimum is 16 points per cycle to produce a smooth and visually appealing sine wave.

If you want to generate a 400 kHz sine wave with at least 16 points per cycle, the required DAC update rate can be calculated as follows:

Required Update Rate=Frequency×Samples per Cycle\text{Required Update Rate} = \text{Frequency} \times \text{Samples per Cycle}

For a 400 kHz sine wave:

Required Update Rate=400,000Hz×16=6,400,000updates/second(6.4MHz)\text{Required Update Rate} = 400,000 \, \text{Hz} \times 16 = 6,400,000 \, \text{updates/second} \, (6.4 \, \text{MHz})

Why the Arduino Due Cannot Generate High-Frequency Sine Waves

As calculated above, the required update rate for a 400 kHz sine wave is 6.4 MHz. This is much higher than the Arduino Due’s DAC maximum update rate of 1 MHz. Consequently, the Arduino Due is incapable of generating a smooth 400 kHz sine wave with 16 points per cycle. Even if you attempt to reduce the number of points per cycle, the resulting sine wave will be distorted and lose its smooth characteristics.

If you are looking for more examples and code to understand how to generate sine waves with different frequencies and resolutions, consider reading the tutorial on how to generate a sine wave using an Arduino. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on setting up sine wave generation and explains the code in detail, making it easier to understand the limitations and possibilities with different Arduino boards.

What Are the Alternatives?

For projects that require generating high-frequency sine waves, the Arduino Due might not be the best choice due to the DAC's speed limitations. Here are a few alternatives:

  • High-Speed DAC Modules: Consider using specialized high-speed DAC modules that can handle update rates above 6.4 MHz.
  • Dedicated Signal Generators: Use dedicated function generators or signal generator ICs that can produce high-frequency waveforms with greater accuracy.
  • Advanced Microcontrollers or Boards: Some microcontrollers are specifically designed for high-frequency analog signal generation and may provide a better solution for your project needs.

Here's a breakdown of the calculation based on the SAM3X8E microcontroller's datasheet:


  1. Master Clock (Mck) Frequency:

    • The Arduino Due uses an Atmel SAM3X8E microcontroller, which runs at a clock speed of 84 MHz.
  2. DACC Clock:

    • The Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC) uses its own clock, derived from the Master Clock (Mck). According to the SAM3X8E datasheet: DACC clock=Mck2\text{DACC clock} = \frac{\text{Mck}}{2}
    • Therefore, the DACC clock is: DACC clock=84MHz2=42MHz\text{DACC clock} = \frac{84 \, \text{MHz}}{2} = 42 \, \text{MHz}
  3. Conversion Time:

    • The DAC requires 25 clock cycles of the DACC clock to perform a single conversion.
  4. Maximum Output Frequency:

    • The maximum frequency at which the DAC can update is therefore given by: Maximum Output Frequency=DACC ClockCycles per Conversion\text{Maximum Output Frequency} = \frac{\text{DACC Clock}}{\text{Cycles per Conversion}}
    • Substituting the values: Maximum Output Frequency=42MHz25=1.68MHz\text{Maximum Output Frequency} = \frac{42 \, \text{MHz}}{25} = 1.68 \, \text{MHz}


Your interpretation from the SAM3X8E datasheet is correct: the maximum output frequency of the DACs on the Arduino Due is approximately 1.68 MHz. This represents the fastest rate at which the DAC can output new values, assuming ideal conditions with minimal overhead and optimal code execution.

For practical applications, especially when generating waveforms (like sine waves), the actual usable frequency might be lower due to code execution time, memory access delays, and other overheads. But the theoretical maximum frequency for the DAC itself is indeed 1.68 MHz as calculated.

While the Arduino Due is an excellent choice for many analog signal generation tasks, generating high-frequency sine waves like 400 kHz with sufficient smoothness is beyond its capabilities. For such high-frequency applications, consider alternative solutions better suited to your requirements. Make sure to check out the tutorials linked above for more insights on sine wave generation using Arduino boards.

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