Adaptive Control System with Arduino: Using an IR Module and a Unipolar Stepper Motor for Practical Applications

Adaptive control is an essential approach in control systems, particularly in applications where the system’s parameters may change over time. It’s especially beneficial when working with unpredictable environments, as adaptive control can self-adjust based on feedback from the system. In this post, we’ll explore how adaptive control can be implemented with an Arduino, focusing on a practical application using an IR module and a unipolar stepper motor.

By integrating sensors and feedback mechanisms, we can create a dynamic and responsive setup that adjusts the motor's behavior based on environmental factors. This approach is similar to other control strategies, such as PID-controlled systems, but allows more flexibility when dealing with variations in the process.

Overview of Adaptive Control and its Importance

Adaptive control adjusts its parameters in real-time based on feedback, allowing systems to operate optimally even as conditions change. Unlike a standard ON/OFF control system, which operates within fixed settings, adaptive control analyzes data and makes continuous adjustments. This makes it highly suitable for applications where conditions vary frequently, such as robotics, automation, and environmental monitoring.

How Adaptive Control Differs from Feedforward and Feedback Control While feedforward control systems anticipate disturbances and adjust control actions in advance, adaptive control learns from past actions and fine-tunes its response based on the feedback, improving system performance over time.

Components and Setup for Adaptive Control with Arduino

In this project, we’ll control a 6-pin unipolar stepper motor using an IR module as our sensor. The motor will respond dynamically to signals detected by the IR module, which could represent a proximity threshold, signaling the motor to change speed or direction based on distance.

Components Needed:

  1. Arduino Uno or Nano
  2. IR Module (for detecting presence or proximity)
  3. Unipolar Stepper Motor(eg 28BYJ stepper motor)
  4. ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver (for powering and controlling the stepper motor)
  5. Power Supply (depending on the motor’s requirements)

Circuit Diagram

 Below is the circuit diagram of feedforward control system implemented with Arduino, IR module and Unipolar Stepper driver and motor.
Adaptive Control System with Arduino

Wiring the Components:

  1. IR Module: Connect the output pin of the IR module to a digital pin on the Arduino (e.g., D2).
  2. Stepper Motor and Driver: Connect the stepper motor’s wires to the ULN2003 driver module. Use the IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 pins on the ULN2003, connecting them to Arduino digital pins (e.g., D8, D9, D10, and D11).
  3. Power: Ensure the stepper motor and Arduino have an adequate power supply, especially if you’re using a high-torque motor.

Programming Logic

In the Arduino code, the IR module’s input will determine the adaptive adjustments to the stepper motor. If an object is detected within a specific range, the stepper motor speed will increase or decrease. The Arduino will continue monitoring the feedback and adjusting the motor’s behavior accordingly.

Arduino Code for Adaptive Control Using IR Module and Stepper Motor

Here’s a sample code snippet for setting up the IR module and the adaptive control logic for the stepper motor:

#include <Stepper.h>

const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // change this depending on your motor
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);

const int irPin = 7; // IR module output pin
int irState = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(irPin, INPUT);
  myStepper.setSpeed(60);  // initial speed (RPM)
  Serial.println("Adaptive Control with IR Sensor and Stepper Motor");

void loop() {
  irState = digitalRead(irPin);

  if (irState == HIGH) {
    // Object detected, adjust speed dynamically
    myStepper.setSpeed(120);  // increase speed when object detected
    myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution / 2); // rotate motor half a revolution
    Serial.println("Object detected: Speed increased");
  } else {
    // No object, maintain base speed
    myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution / 4); // rotate motor quarter of a revolution
    Serial.println("No object: Base speed");
  delay(500); // delay to stabilize readings

In this setup:

  • When the IR module detects an object, the motor speed increases to adapt to the new state.
  • When there is no detection, the motor returns to its base speed.

This adaptive control strategy enables the motor to adjust its response dynamically, making it suitable for scenarios like automated sorting or proximity-based actions in conveyor belts or robotic arms.

Video Demonstration

  Below is the video demonstration of Adaptive Control System with Arduino using an IR Module and a Unipolar Stepper Motor control works.

Practical Applications of Adaptive Control with IR and Stepper Motor

  1. Automated Proximity-Based Systems

    • This setup can be used in an industrial conveyor belt system where products move along a belt. When an object is detected by the IR sensor, the conveyor could either slow down or speed up depending on requirements. Adaptive control would allow the system to respond automatically to different object sizes and distances.
  2. Motion-Activated Systems

    • In a home automation context, this could be used to operate doors or gates that open or close based on proximity detection. The MQ-2 gas sensor could even be added for safety to detect smoke, stopping the motor if gas is detected, which provides an additional layer of safety for automated environments.
  3. Environmental Control Systems

    • Combining this adaptive control setup with a PID control system could create a smart environment response system. For instance, the motor speed could be adjusted based on proximity and ambient temperature, making it ideal for controlling fan speed or ventilation systems dynamically.
  4. Adaptive Security and Monitoring Systems

    • In security, adaptive control can enable surveillance systems to automatically track moving objects. The motor would adjust based on detected movement, allowing cameras or lights to follow intruders. Integrating adaptive control with smoke and motion sensors could further enhance such systems, making them highly responsive and adaptive.

Expanding Adaptive Control Applications with Feedback Mechanisms

Adaptive control can be further refined by integrating feedback mechanisms, such as temperature or speed sensors, with the setup. For instance, in PID-controlled temperature applications, the system could adjust the motor speed based on both temperature and proximity data, making it ideal for climate control systems in greenhouses or data centers.

This multi-sensor approach enhances the precision of adaptive control and allows the Arduino to respond to a broader range of environmental changes, from motion to temperature fluctuations. With these adjustments, adaptive control can bring precision to even complex systems that require both speed and temperature control.


Adaptive control with Arduino offers a flexible and robust approach to control systems, suitable for various applications, from automation to home security. Using an IR module with a stepper motor allows Arduino to make real-time adjustments, adapting to environmental changes and improving efficiency. As we’ve seen, adaptive control can be combined with other control methods, such as feedforward control and PID control, for enhanced versatility.

With a simple setup and adaptive logic, Arduino enables dynamic responses that meet the demands of changing environments, making it an excellent choice for engineers, hobbyists, and DIY enthusiasts seeking to create responsive, automated systems. Whether for industrial or home applications, adaptive control opens up endless possibilities with Arduino.

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