Feedforward Control System with Arduino: Practical Application Using an IR Module and Unipolar Stepper Motor

Feedforward control is an effective technique for managing predictable changes in a control system. Unlike traditional feedback systems, where the system reacts to changes as they occur, feedforward control anticipates and adjusts for disturbances before they can affect the system. In this article, we’ll explore how to implement feedforward control with Arduino using an IR sensor module and a unipolar stepper motor. We’ll also highlight how this approach can be advantageous for applications requiring swift, precise responses.

In practical applications, feedforward control is highly beneficial for systems where variables are easy to predict, such as stepper motors in positioning systems or conveyor belts in industrial automation. With feedforward control, the Arduino can anticipate load changes, ensuring consistent performance.

Understanding Feedforward Control with Arduino

Feedforward control predicts the input needed to maintain the desired output without requiring real-time feedback. This is especially useful when controlling systems with high inertia or where a delay in response can be problematic. For Arduino users, feedforward control can complement traditional feedback methods, such as PID control, especially in applications requiring anticipatory actions.

Components Required

  • Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno)
  • IR sensor module
  • Unipolar stepper motor(eg 28BYJ stepper motor)
  • Stepper motor driver (e.g., ULN2003)
  • External power supply (if necessary)

Circuit Diagram

 Below is the circuit diagram of feedforward control system implemented with Arduino, IR module and Unipolar Stepper driver and motor.

Feedforward Control System with Arduino

Wiring the Components

  1. Connecting the Stepper Motor: Unipolar stepper motors with six pins typically have two center-tap wires and four coils. Connect the four coil wires to the motor driver, matching each to its designated pin on the Arduino.
  2. IR Sensor Module: Connect the IR sensor module's VCC to 5V, GND to GND, and the output signal to an Arduino digital input pin 7.
  3. Motor Driver: Connect the IN1,IN2,IN3 and IN4 pins of the motor driver to the digital output pins 8,9,10 and 11 on the Arduino. The ULN2003 driver is commonly used for unipolar stepper motors, as it can easily control the motor's four coils with an Arduino.

Coding Feedforward Control with Arduino

The idea is to use the IR sensor as a trigger, sending commands to the stepper motor. When the sensor detects an object or movement, the Arduino will send an anticipated feedforward command to the stepper motor to position it or perform an action without waiting for feedback.

Here’s an example code to illustrate the concept:

#include <Stepper.h>

const int stepsPerRevolution = 2048; // adjust based on your stepper motor
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);

const int irPin = 7;  // IR sensor pin
int sensorState = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(irPin, INPUT);
  myStepper.setSpeed(15); // adjust speed as necessary

void loop() {
  sensorState = digitalRead(irPin);  // read IR sensor state

  if (sensorState == HIGH) {
    Serial.println("Object detected, moving motor...");
    myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution / 4);  // move motor in anticipation
    delay(1000);  // wait a second to simulate feedforward response
  } else {
    Serial.println("No object detected.");

In this code:

  • The IR sensor detects an object, triggering a command to move the stepper motor.
  • The stepper motor responds in anticipation of the detected object, a classic example of feedforward control.

For a stepper motor guide with Arduino, you might find this IRF540N guide helpful if your application includes MOSFETs for motor control.

Video Demonstration

Below is the video demonstration of feedforward control system with Arduino, IR module and Unipolar Stepper driver and motor works.

Practical Application: Automated Conveyor Belt System

Feedforward control with an IR sensor and stepper motor can be useful in systems where an object’s arrival is predictable, such as a conveyor belt. Here’s a practical use case: when the IR sensor detects an item on the belt, it sends an anticipatory command to the stepper motor to perform the required action, such as positioning the item for inspection, without waiting for feedback.

Expanding Functionality with Arduino

In some setups, feedforward control may be combined with on-off control for a more versatile system. While feedforward control anticipates the system’s actions, on-off control can act as a safety check, verifying that each item is correctly positioned before it proceeds.

Advantages of Feedforward Control in Arduino Projects

  1. Predictive Response: Feedforward control is fast because it doesn’t rely on feedback, making it ideal for high-speed systems.
  2. Reduced Overshoot: By anticipating the input, feedforward systems can avoid common issues such as overshoot.
  3. Efficient for Known Disturbances: When the nature of disturbances is predictable, feedforward control provides more precise outcomes compared to traditional feedback mechanisms.

Combining Feedforward Control with Other Control Strategies

For more complex systems, feedforward control can complement feedback systems like PID controllers. For instance, if the conveyor belt temperature needs monitoring and adjustments, you could implement PID temperature control with Arduino alongside feedforward commands to achieve precise temperature regulation without manual input.

Additionally, for more sensitive applications like monitoring gas or environmental conditions, consider integrating a gas sensor to detect fluctuations, feeding the data into the control loop as part of a comprehensive feedforward-feedback system.

Final Thoughts on Feedforward Control with Arduino

Feedforward control with Arduino, combined with an IR sensor and unipolar stepper motor, offers a predictive, efficient way to control systems where speed and accuracy are crucial. By utilizing feedforward control for object detection and quick motor responses, Arduino users can create reliable automation projects without relying solely on feedback mechanisms.

For advanced control systems, combining feedforward with traditional feedback methods like PID control or Arduino-based smoke and motion detection can provide a robust, versatile setup. Feedforward control with Arduino is an exciting field with many practical applications, enabling engineers and hobbyists alike to build highly responsive systems for industrial or home automation projects.

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