How to access Mikrotik router/switches using internet cloud access

 MikroTik routers, including the CCR2004 series, offer a Cloud Access feature that allows remote management over the internet. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use this cloud access feature so that you can login to your mikrotik switches and router via the web from anywhere in the world.

Here is the basic steps:

1. Login to the Mikrotik device(switch or router) using WinBox or web:

winbox login

2. Enable Cloud Access feature by going to 

IP > Cloud

Then tick mark the DDNS Enabled, Update Time Enabled and the Use Local Address Enabled as shown in the following picture:


Copy the DNS name url link:

3. Enable WinBox login service by going to 


and then add WinBox service with Port number 8291 as shown in the picture below

winbox services

4. Add Firewall Rule to allow remote winbox access. For this go to IP>Firewall and then add a new firewall rule.

winbox firewall rule

In the General Tab of the new firewall rule, Use Input as Chain, Use 6(tcp) as the Protocol and to allow access the device via the Dst. Port of 8291.In the Action Tab, use accept in the Action field selection as shown in the following picture.

You can additionally add name for the firewall rule by using the comment tab and writing WinBox or similar name for better identification for what the firewall rule was created.

So now you should be able to login to the mikrotik device router or switch by using the cloud access web url by copy pasting the url in a browser and then access via the web. Or you can also use the url in the WinBox login window.

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