Implementing TDM(Time Division Multiplexing) with Arduino

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) is a method used to transmit multiple signals over a single communication channel by dividing time into multiple slots. Each signal is assigned a time slot, allowing different signals to share the same medium in a sequential manner. TDM is widely used in telecommunications, data networks, and audio/video applications.

Here, we’ll explore how TDM works and implement a simple TDM demonstration using Arduino.

What is Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)?

In TDM, multiple signals are transmitted in a single communication channel by dividing time into slots. Each signal takes turns using the channel for a specific duration (its assigned time slot) before the next signal uses the channel. This way, multiple signals can be interleaved in the channel without interference. TDM is particularly effective for systems where each data source transmits in short bursts and does not need continuous bandwidth, such as audio and video streams or sensor data.

TDM vs. FDM: What’s the Difference?

In Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), signals are separated by frequency ranges and transmitted simultaneously on the same channel. In contrast, TDM allocates time slots to each signal, so only one signal is transmitted at a time within its designated slot.


  • TDM: Imagine a road with multiple lanes, where only one car from each lane is allowed to move at a time.
  • FDM: Imagine a multi-lane road where cars from each lane can move simultaneously in their own lanes. See Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) with Arduino.

Components Needed

To demonstrate TDM with Arduino, we will use:

  • Arduino Uno (or any compatible board)
  • LEDs (optional, to visually represent data transmission)
  • Resistors (220Ω for each LED)
  • Wires and Breadboard

TDM Implementation with Arduino

In our TDM demonstration, we will transmit two signals (represented by two LEDs) through a single “channel.” Each LED represents data from a different source, and the Arduino controls when each LED is on and off, simulating TDM by switching each LED on and off at different time intervals.

Circuit Diagram of TDM with Arduino

Circuit Diagram of TDM with Arduino

How It Works

  • Signal 1 (LED1) and Signal 2 (LED2) are both connected to the Arduino.
  • Each signal has a designated time slot during which it can transmit (LED turns on).
  • The Arduino program assigns time slots to each signal, turning on and off each LED in sequence.
  • The sequence repeats continuously, demonstrating how TDM allows both signals to share a single channel over time.

See Video demonstration:


Arduino Code for TDM

Here is the code that implements TDM by alternating two signals using two LEDs. Adjust the timing in the delay() functions to control the duration of each time slot.

const int signal1Pin = 9; // LED1 pin
const int signal2Pin = 10; // LED2 pin
const int timeSlotDuration = 500; // Duration of each time slot in milliseconds

void setup() {
pinMode(signal1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(signal2Pin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// Time slot for Signal 1
digitalWrite(signal1Pin, HIGH); // Turn on LED1 (Signal 1 active)
digitalWrite(signal2Pin, LOW); // Ensure LED2 is off
Serial.println("Signal 1 active in its time slot");
delay(timeSlotDuration); // Hold Signal 1's time slot

// Time slot for Signal 2
digitalWrite(signal1Pin, LOW); // Ensure LED1 is off
digitalWrite(signal2Pin, HIGH); // Turn on LED2 (Signal 2 active)
Serial.println("Signal 2 active in its time slot");
delay(timeSlotDuration); // Hold Signal 2's time slot

Explanation of the Code

  1. Define Pin Connections: The LEDs are connected to pins 9 and 10, representing two data sources (signals).
  2. Time Slot Duration: We set the timeSlotDuration variable to 500 milliseconds. You can change this value to modify how long each LED stays on before switching.
  3. Loop:
    • During Signal 1's time slot, the code turns on LED1 and turns off LED2. It then waits for the time slot duration before moving to Signal 2's slot.
    • During Signal 2's time slot, LED2 is turned on, and LED1 is turned off. Again, it waits for the time slot duration.
    • The loop() function repeats indefinitely, maintaining the TDM simulation.

Testing and Observing the Output

  • LEDs: You should observe that LED1 and LED2 alternate between on and off states. This alternating behavior simulates TDM, with each LED representing a data channel that transmits during its designated time slot.
  • Serial Monitor: Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE to observe the text output. It displays which signal is currently active, providing additional feedback for our TDM setup.

Applications of TDM

Time Division Multiplexing has several real-world applications:

  1. Telecommunications: TDM is used to carry multiple voice calls over a single communication line.
  2. Digital Audio: Audio channels are often multiplexed in TDM for transmission in audio equipment.
  3. Telemetry Systems: TDM is commonly used in sensor networks where multiple sensors share a single communication line.
  4. Video Streaming: Video data can be segmented into time slots, with each time slot carrying a different video stream component (e.g., audio, video frames).


This TDM demonstration with Arduino illustrates the fundamentals of Time Division Multiplexing by simulating time slot allocation for two signals using LEDs. While this is a basic example, it highlights how TDM can effectively allow multiple data channels to share a single medium without interference. This concept can be extended to more complex applications, such as digital communication systems, data acquisition systems, and even certain robotics applications where multiple components need to share limited communication resources.

Experimenting with TDM on an Arduino is a great way to learn the basics of multiplexing and time slot management, concepts that are essential in many fields of electronics and telecommunications. Try varying the time slots, adding more signals, or even using different sensors for further exploration.

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