LC Resonant Tank Working Animation

The behavior of an LC tank circuit, consisting of an inductor and a capacitor in parallel, is central to various electronic applications. When a DC supply is connected through a switch, energy is stored in the circuit. This stored energy oscillates between the inductor and the capacitor, driving a load such as an LED, which lights up until the tank circuit energy is depleted. This operation illustrates the principles of LC resonance and energy transfer that are pivotal in electronic design.

LC tank animation
Below is animation video that demonstrates the flow of energy in the LC tank circuits when the switch is on and off.


Designing practical LC resonant circuits is essential for creating effective filters, oscillators, and RF communication systems. These circuits are calculated using tools like the LC resonance circuit calculator, which simplifies the design process by determining resonant frequencies for given inductance and capacitance values.

The Switch is Closed: Charging the Tank Circuit

  1. Energy Storage:
    When the switch is closed, the capacitor begins charging through the inductor. The capacitor stores energy in its electric field, while the inductor stores energy in its magnetic field. The total energy stored in the LC circuit can be calculated as:

    E=12CV2+12LI2E = \frac{1}{2} C V^2 + \frac{1}{2} L I^2

    This principle is critical for applications like designing an output filter LC calculator for switching circuits, which helps reduce voltage ripple in DC-DC converters such as 555 Timer Buck Converter Desgin.

  2. Resonance Begins:
    Once fully charged, the capacitor discharges through the inductor, causing current to flow and creating oscillations at the resonant frequency:

  1. The oscillation continues until the energy dissipates. This behavior underpins tapped-C impedance transformer matching circuits, which use LC networks to optimize power transfer in RF systems.

The Switch is Open: Energy Dissipation

  1. LED Illumination:
    When the switch is opened, the LC circuit becomes isolated. The energy stored in the tank oscillates between the capacitor and the inductor, lighting the LED. The light persists until resistive losses or energy consumed by the LED depletes the tank. This principle is essential in systems like BJT-based Pierce crystal oscillators, where LC circuits stabilize oscillations in frequency-sensitive applications.

  2. Energy Decay:
    Over time, oscillations dampen due to losses in the circuit. The time constant of this decay depends on the circuit’s resistance, capacitance, and inductance values. This behavior is also relevant in FM slope detectors, where LC circuits help demodulate signals in communication systems. 

What Exactly Happens When the Switch is Off?

  1. Energy Oscillation in the LC Circuit: When the switch is turned off, the energy stored in the LC circuit starts oscillating between the capacitor and the inductor. The capacitor discharges into the inductor, creating a current flow. The inductor, in turn, stores this energy in its magnetic field and returns it to the capacitor. This process occurs at the resonant frequency of the LC circuit.

  2. Energy Dissipation: Over time, the oscillation decays due to:

    • Resistive losses in the circuit.
    • Energy consumption by the load (in this case, the LED).
  3. LED Behavior:

    • As the oscillation continues, the voltage and current across the LED vary in a sinusoidal manner.
    • When the voltage is high enough to overcome the LED's forward voltage threshold, it lights up briefly.
    • This periodic lighting gives the appearance of the LED blinking.

Why Does the LED Blink?

The LED blinks because:

  • The LC tank circuit creates an oscillating voltage.
  • The LED conducts current only during part of the oscillation cycle when the voltage exceeds its forward voltage.
  • The oscillation diminishes gradually, leading to fainter and slower blinking until the stored energy is completely dissipated.

Equation Supporting the Behavior

The oscillating current and voltage in the LC circuit can be modeled as:

V(t)=V0eR2Ltcos(ωt)V(t) = V_0 e^{-\frac{R}{2L}t} \cos(\omega t) I(t)=I0eR2Ltcos(ωt)I(t) = I_0 e^{-\frac{R}{2L}t} \cos(\omega t)


  • V0V_0 and I0I_0: Initial voltage and current.
  • RR: Equivalent resistance in the circuit.
  • L and CC: Inductance and capacitance.
  • ω=1LC

Applications of LC Circuits

The unique properties of LC circuits make them indispensable in diverse applications:

  1. Signal Filtering and Oscillators:
    Practical LC resonant circuits are widely used in RF filters and oscillators. They enable precise frequency selection, which is crucial in communication systems, including SSB modulation transmitters for efficient frequency utilization.

  2. Power Filtering:
    In switching regulators, LC circuits act as output filters to smooth voltage. The output filter LC calculator for switching circuits helps optimize these designs for efficiency.

  3. Impedance Matching:
    Using LC networks for tapped-C impedance transformer matching improves power transfer in RF and audio systems, ensuring minimal energy loss.

  4. Frequency Demodulation:
    LC circuits are key components in FM slope detectors, where they enable the extraction of audio signals from modulated carriers.

  5. Energy Storage Systems:
    The operation of your LED-based LC tank illustrates how stored energy can drive loads over time. This concept is also foundational for tools like the LC resonance circuit calculator, used in designing efficient energy transfer systems.

Key Insights

The LC tank circuit demonstrates the fundamental principles of energy storage, transfer, and resonance. By analyzing its operation, you can understand its significance in signal processing, impedance matching, and power regulation. For a detailed guide to leveraging these concepts in various designs, explore Designing Practical LC Resonant Circuits, Tapped-C Impedance Transformer Matching, and Output Filter LC Calculator for Switching Circuits.

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