A logarithmic converter circuit is an analog electronic circuit that produces an output voltage proportional to the logarithm of the input voltage or current. This circuit is widely used in applications such as signal compression, dynamic range compression, and measurement systems where a wide range of input values needs to be processed linearly. The core component of a logarithmic converter is often a diode or a bipolar transistor, which inherently exhibits a logarithmic relationship between its current and voltage in the forward-biased region.
Diode Equation
The current-voltage relationship for an ideal diode is given by the Shockley diode equation:
: Diode current
: Reverse saturation current (constant for the diode)
: Voltage across the diode
: Ideality factor (typically between 1 and 2)
: Thermal voltage (, where is Boltzmann's constant, is temperature in Kelvin, and is the charge of an electron)
At room temperature (), .
By leveraging the exponential characteristic of these semiconductor devices, the circuit can accurately convert a linear input signal into a logarithmic output. For a deeper dive into the design and working principles of logarithmic amplifiers, check out this detailed guide on Logarithmic Amplifier Design.
The following is a simple one diode logarithmic converter circuit diagram.
We assume:
The input voltage is accurately proportional to the input current , i.e., , where is a proportionality constant.
The diode is operating in the forward-biased region, where , so the Shockley diode equation simplifies to:
The output voltage is taken across the diode, so .
Step 1: Express in terms of
From the simplified diode equation:
Take the natural logarithm of both sides:
Solve for :
Step 2: Substitute
Since and :
Simplify using logarithm properties:
Step 3: Combine constants
Let and . Then:
If we ignore the constant term (or assume it is compensated in the circuit), we get:
Final Result
The output voltage is proportional to the natural logarithm of the input voltage :
This logarithmic relationship is commonly used in analog circuits, such as logarithmic amplifiers.