Wein Bridge Oscillator Calculator
About Wienbridge Oscillator Calculator
The above online Wienbridge calculator helps you to calculate the resistor and capacitor values for desired resonant frequency.
Equations Used:
\(F_{r}= \frac{1}{2\pi RC},\) \(B=\frac{1}{\sqrt{9-(X_{c}/R-R/X_{c})^2}}\)
RC Phase Shift Oscillator Calculator
About RC Phase Shift Oscillator Calculator
The above online RC phase shift oscillator calculator is free and calculates the resistor, capacitor, resonant frequency, feedback fraction for the oscillator circuit.
Tutorials on design of Colpitts oscillator are as follows:
(1) 2N2222 Phase Shift Oscillator
(2) BC547 Transistor Phase Shift Oscillator
Equations Used:
\(F_{r}= \frac{1}{2\pi RC\sqrt{6}},\) \(R_{b}=29R,\) \(A_{CL}=\frac{R_{f}}{R},\) \(B=\frac{1}{29}\)
Colpitts Oscillator Calculator
About Colpitts Oscillator Calculator
The above online Colpitts Oscillator calculator is free and calculates the resistor, capacitor, resonant frequency, feedback fraction for the oscillator circuit.
Tutorials on design of Colpitts oscillator are as follows:
(1) Colpitts oscillator with LM358 and TL072 Op-Amps
(2) 2N5550 Colpitts Oscillator
(3) Drain Feedback biased E-MOSFET Colpitts Oscillator
(4) Search Coil E-MOSFET Colpitts Oscillator
\(F_{r}= \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{LC}},\) \(C=\frac{C_{1}C_{2}}{C_{1}+C_{2}},\) \(B=\frac{C_{1}}{C_{2}}\)
Hartley Oscillator Calculator

About Hartley Oscillator Calculator
The above online Hartley Oscillator calculator is free and calculates the resistor, capacitor, resonant frequency, feedback fraction for the oscillator circuit.
Tutorials on design of Hartley oscillator are as follows:
(1) JFET Hartley Oscillator
(2) Hartley Oscillator Design with Enhancement MOSFET
Equations Used:
\(F_{r}=\frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{LC}},\) \(L=L_{1}+L_{2},\) \(B=\frac{L_{2}}{L_{1}},\) \(A_{CL(min)}=\frac{L_{1}}{L_{2}}\)
thank you
glad to hear it helped
resistor R1 is not indicated on the diagram. (the lamp)
yes the Lamp acts as a variable resistor
What is RF supposed to be?
I used RF or Rf to denote the feedback resistor.
For high frequency (50-80MHz) which colpitt oscillator will be best?
You can use colpitts or hartley oscillator for that range of frequency
yes true